Sunday, March 09, 2008

More Babies, Please

Introducing William "Will" Theodore Steen

Sharon delivered a healthy 8 pound 10 oz baby boy 3:45 AM, 2 March 2008. Mom and baby are doing well.


He probably looks like Stewie, except loves his mom more. For those of you who know Jamie and Sharon, they are doing well with their new addition. Jamie and I were in ER Residency together, and he is now working as an ER doc in Mississippi.

Joining the many babies in our midst of this last 12 months or so. Olivia, Ainsley Proud, Ava Trigger, Gabrielle Burkett, Jack MacLagan, Sophie House and now Will Steen! Holy baby town.
Next Up: The Brights' and The Fields' babies on the way...


Anonymous said...

congrats are in order Jamie and Sharon!

Also- did you know today is Chuck Norris' birthday?

Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris has nothing on Dan Gable!!!! I just wanted to say that.

Married to a Proverbs 31 Woman said...

Just for the record he is a cross between a young Harrison Ford and George Clooney. But clearly his good looks come from his mother.

He did solve the problem of faster than light travel, but then took a nap, and now cannot recall where that post-it note went.

Having a blast as a new papa (but tired),

Travis said...

Great to hear, and sorry about the post it note. Let Will know that Word has a nice auto-save function.