For the most part, ok for the whole part, I lack the rhetoric and wit to write anything inspirational. But I wanted to share a couple of things I came across reading some articles these last few weeks.
I won't spend this time making fun of Palin. That's too easy, like shooting fish from a barrel. Or like chasing wolves with an airplane and gunning them down when they are too tired to run.
I am voting for Obama. I buy into his whole change thing. Sure, I have a few concerns, but I would with any candidate. I am not sure I want too much socialism injected into our country, though I point out McCain voted for the stupid bailout too. I don't think Obama is going to take away our hunting guns. Conversely, I don't think McCain could get Roe vs. Wade overturned. I think a lot of issues like that wash out for me. Here's the thing though, McCain is the same thing we've had. He is everything Washington stands for. Maverick? No.
Not too long ago I thought and told some of my friends that of the Republicans out there I thought McCain was one I really respected and could vote for. He seemed inspirational. He'd had it with dirty politics and negative campaigning. If we didn't stop our partisan bickering, he was going to turn this car around. Well, WHAT HAPPENED?
The last few months have brought about character assassination and political attacks like no other. If McCain had less time attacking Barack, I think he would have been better off. Remember the celeb ad? I loved this tidbit I read in GQ referencing it:
"As character assassination goes, the Celeb-ad was about as subtle as the old pretending-to-cough-while-actually-saying-the-word-asshole trick. But our real problem with it isn't the creepy subtext. It's that Britney and Paris are so politics-of-five-minutes-ago. McCain is fighting a firecrotch war in a topless-Miley Cyrus world. Like, whatevs."
Tell me fellow Wingnuts, why have you waited to release the story about how Obama likes to kick dogs and club baby seals?
One thing that comes up a lot is the tax issue. I don't really see how either candidate is going to not raise taxes to dig us out of this hole, but lets compare. McCain says Obama is going to raise taxes and spread the wealth like a socialist. Here's a great article in the New York Times this week, a study of the tax plans by an independent source, The Tax Policy Center. Below is the jist:
"Independent analyses of the presidential candidates’ tax proposals show that those who make less than $250,000 a year would not see their taxes raised under Senator Barack Obama’s plans. Further, Mr. Obama would generally cut taxes more than Senator John McCain would for households with incomes less than $100,000 a year. Mr. McCain would cut taxes generally on par with Mr. Obama for those making $100,000 to $250,000 a year, the analyses found, but those making $250,000 a year and above would typically pay less in taxes under Mr. McCain."
Ok, fewer than 3% of households make 250,000$. I just don't like the same old Republican ways of giving breaks to the rich. McCain wants to extend Bush's tax cuts for the rich. And big business? On paper their taxes may sound high, but loopholes often require them paying much less. (Here's where I like Ron Paul platform and flat taxes!)
I won't go on and rant and make this post any longer, I don't want you to tune out if you haven't already. But, I want to hear from you. I am calling a few of you out. Tyler, Terry, Mom, Dad, Tim, and a few others- What is McCain going to do for you? How is he going to be good for you? Bad for you? How is Obama going to be good and bad for you? I want to hear both sides, the good and bad or I'll have a hard time thinking you are being objective. I will post my good and bad for both in my comments too.
In the meantime, make sure you get out and vote. On Wednesday morning, I anticipate an Obama victory, but if not, it will be fun to watch McCain ride around on his Rascal. Just make sure someone tells Palin that he needs to have his adult diapers on before they have a tickle party to celebrate.