Friday, December 25, 2009

2009 on the way out....


I think it's definitely en vogue to pull together a end of the year post. Especially since I blog about every other month these days. As I start this post I am working overnight in the ER, Christmas Eve.

Right now we are in a blizzard. Should have 18 inches of snow by the end of the storm, and wind gusts outside 40mph. Visibility is near zero. The patients I have had that had to come in on this unfortunate night from outlying communities have been via ambulance. Each ambulance came with an entourage of a snowplow leading their way and a rescue truck behind them in case one got stuck. One of them did too.

What should I put in a grand end of the year post? So much to share. I want to rant about healthcare. I want to boast about The Hawkeyes. I have had some great music discoveries in 2009 that I would love to share. ER stories? Man, have I got your ER stories. This year in the ER in Sioux City I have had some doozies. Celebrity deaths captured headlines and Sammy Sosa turned white. So much to discuss.
Being 3AM now, I get off in 1 hour. Who has the damn time to blog all that? I will share some memories from 2009, the most important ones with my family. And I will give you my New Year's Resolution at the end...

Christmas 2009...

November, thanksgiving cooking with grandma...

October, Halloween and Olivia's 2nd birthday!....

Late Summer Baptism for Anna... June rings in our new home....
May finds The Brownells with a new family member...
Dad and Anna...
How will I remember 2009?

I will remember 2009 well. We are very fortunate and I am very thankful for all the great things in our life recently. It is now Christmas morning, and I am wondering how I am going to get home in an hour...several nurses who got off earlier had to turn around and come back and sleep at the hospital! No way I'm not getting home to spend Christmas morning with my girls though, even if I get stuck and have to walk!

So I shall say farewell to you for now. My resolution to myself in front of those few of you that read this meager blog: I will crank it up a little in 2010. I know a couple of you check in from time to time and read up on my blathering. I am excited to make my 2009 MUSIC post. I had some great finds this year and will make a "Peltgrande's Top Ten Songs of 2009" post soon.

1 comment:

Cory said...

Yeah, this midwestern snow is a pain and driving in it is nervewracking as ever, but at least you know what to do if there's too much fog. That's why I always have a shotgun and hot tomales in my car.

Just remember to live every week of your life as if it were shark week.