Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Working the night shift...

Ok, Brando will know who this guy is immediately. Anyone else know? He also now is a spokesperson for a lock company.

I am working the night shift and had a chance to Blog since its slow. I read Eric's Blog. Eric, my brain doesn't function in a manner to let me respond to your questions. I need things like, "Who is better, Cory at video games or Brandon firing a rifle? Discuss". I promise I will try though.

I got a promotion for my last year of residency, which equals I have more work to do. As such, I feel I already am lacking in my Blog post frequency. I am going to keep blogging and will be reading all yours, but I will probably be blogging less. I do owe you a quiz I promised though, and I want to do it just right, so be patient and I will have it soon.

Also, we should start finalizing some plans for the SuperChad Bachelor Party Extravaganza. Anybody know where we can get a bus/big van, 2 strippers and a goat? Ok, seriously though about the bus/van. And the goat. No strippers.


Anonymous said...

They should give you a choice for promotions, one which you work more and get paid more, the other you get the same about of money but a more days vacation.

I saw on 60 minutes how America works more hours on average than than Japan. But in productivity per hour, we're way behind France.

Anonymous said...

That's great that you got a promotion.

Anonymous said...

If you don't know who Lee Ermey is you are not a real american. Either that or you don't watch enough movies.

Anonymous said...

"You look like the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach around"

That's my favorite Lee Ermey quote of all time.

Congrats on the promotion Travis. Did you get promoted from "assistant to the regional manager" to "assistant regional manager". If you don't watch the Office you're not going to get that joke (and you're missing out on the funniest show on television). If you do watch The Office, you're still probably not going to think my joke was very funny but at least you're watching the show.

Also, people who come to Chicago and don't even stop by for 5 minutes are huge pricks.... and they are name Cory.

Anonymous said...

"Mail call you lazy pickle-headed wormeaters!"

I like how even though he has to tone down his yelling for the History Channel, I'm still terrified of pissing R. Lee Ermey off while he's describing how Claymore Mines work.

Also don't worry about the blog, I've also gotten busy, we all get spurts that come and go. Before you know it you'll be posting a new post every 4 hours and getting pissed that no one has time to comment!

Anonymous said...

"Mail call you lazy pickle-headed wormeaters!"

I like how even though he has to tone down his yelling for the History Channel, I'm still terrified of pissing R. Lee Ermey off while he's describing how Claymore Mines work.

Also don't worry about the blog, I've also gotten busy, we all get spurts that come and go. Before you know it you'll be posting a new post every 4 hours and getting pissed that no one has time to comment!

Anonymous said...

Tony, I got Smallvilled. You might want to take it up with the Riceville mafia, I just did the driving and held bags all weekend.

Anonymous said...

My first double-post! Damn you slow school server!

The shame upon my house is now too great to bear. I must be purged.

Anonymous said...

Listen, Tony: Just because you are too damn lazy to mail me the stupid wedding pictures or to drive down here and visit me (read: play X-box with Cory), doesn't mean Cory is huge prick. It just means that he knows good company from bad company.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't mean he's not.

brando said...

Gotta love ole Ermey

Anonymous said...

Mary, of course Cory knows Bad Company. He and I used to rock out to "Feel Like Makin' Love" on his cassette player over and over again back in Shull Hall. Things would always get really crazy when we'd get to the Foreigner section of his mix tape... Ah, the memories.

Anonymous said...

Mary, of course Cory knows Bad Company. He and I used to rock out to "Feel Like Makin' Love" on his cassette player over and over again back in Shull Hall. Things would always get really crazy when we'd get to the Foreigner section of his mix tape... Ah, the memories.

Travis said...

cyberninja- thanks for the blog understanding.

tony- yes i watch the office and got the joke. and laughed. my promotion was actually not to regional assistant manager. just to ass manager. that's right, from now on i manage all the ass. good or bad, i am the ass man. ager.

Anonymous said...

first off he will always be Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. Except he was great as Coach Norton in saving silverman.

"Remember, boys! STAY AWAY from women! All they want from you is your man-juice! If you ever get the kind of urges that cannot be supressed by hard liquor, the use this!"

So what kinda plans are going down for the Super party.
No one else said anything, So i will bring it up

brando said...

I don't know. Are you going to be there to instigate, delp? I'm sure we can figure something out. We don't know how to cause trouble unless you're there.

Anonymous said...

Travis I don't know where to get a bus and I know you said no strippers but what if I can get you a stripper the size of a bus? Will that help?