We started with labor yesterday morning...19 hours later we are blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Mom did a fantastic job, and is doing great. Dad is happier than ever, and I never could have imagined what this could be like, and what it means to have your own child. Thank you for everyone that has been there for us, we love you all.
OK, I got the serious stuff out of the way. Now we can do a little jig for the HALLOWEEN BABY. I have big plans for extravagant and over the top Halloween Decorations, costumes, and celebrations for the next 18 years, and now can be fully justified other than my nerdiness.
In a surprising move by KF and KOK, Daisy "Dizzle" aka DVB has replaced Jake Christiansen as QB vs MSU today. She was seen wearing Drew Tate's old number 5 at practice. Look for more precise passing and fewer sacks today with her in the pocket. Also look for really confused MSU players.
I found some old pics from an SD card that were fun to look at. This is Diz right after we brought her home. No new news on the baby front. The due date is Halloween, so any day now. I will post pics as soon as we have them!
This is Larry Mgoba. Just to clear it up, I won't be in direct competition with this guy. Actually, I am not even sure which race I am running yet. Not the marathon though. I am entered in the Relay, and 5 member team to run the race. Should be fun, though one person is out and we need a 5th. If we can't field a team, I am going to suck it up and run the half-marathon. I have been running a lot, but 7.55 miles is the longest I have run in probably 6 or 7 years, so even a half will be stretching it. I actually set out to run a 10K tonight, but got lost on my run in Morningside and it ended up almost 8 miles. I am sore now, but a good sore. We'll see how it feels in 12 hours.
As I sit here in the ER at 230am, checking over a few pics Tony has, I realized I am going to be adding one human to the earth soon. More importantly to me, to my house. Kind of gives me a little bit of that 'oh crap' feeling. I really like this photo of Dad, Ty, Terry and I from the Ty's wedding. We'll add the first 3 gen shot pretty soon. Nicole and I went to the OB today, baby's head is down and we are at 37 weeks. Coming soon!
Hmmm. I am not sure if this is approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, but it'll do. I had to share this because I about spit milk out my nose when I saw it. Thank you Muncher. With our first one coming in the next few weeks, it is helpful for me to pick up parenting tips wherever I can get it.