Sunday, September 07, 2008

Rove, O'Reilly and Other Conservative Liars

Take 5 minutes and watch this video, it is well worth it. More examples of blatant lies from the likes of Rove, Bill O'Reilly and their conservative cohorts. Conservative might be the dirtiest word I know.

Tsk. Tsk. They're all liars. I think my favorite ticket for President after Obama/Biden would be Bill Maher/Jon Stewart.
Go Left.


Travis said...

Thanks to Mary Renner for the link to the clip.

Anonymous said...

When you have a hour call me. I dont want to type all that I have to type. But democrats are the ones showing there true colors. Just today for the first time in my life I got called a racist pig. Why because I have a McCain sticker. Its a funny story you have to hear sometime.

Travis said...

tim, i do want to hear that story. that's too bad. i really feel that both sides have their idiots, liars and double speakers. I am sure if Stewart looked, he could find clips showing dems doing the same thing.

Also, just because you have a McCain sticker doesn't make you a racist pig, just an unfortunate lost soul.

It's ok. someday you will be able to get the help you need Tim. I am here for you if you ever want to leave the dark side.

Anonymous said...

Your a good guy Travis, so I'm not sure where you went astray. Perhaps age 7 caused your view of reality to skew off course. :D:D I agree with you that each side has their idiots, liars, and double speakers, I just think it is more prominent on the dem side. Yes I am biased. You have to admit though that with my history I should be a dem. I just pride myself in being an independent thinker. I listen to both sides of the argument and then make my choices.
I challenge anyone to put Sarah Palin's record up against Obama's. It is as simple as that. Also, any rational person can't draw a comparison from the media train wreck that is the Spears family to that of an "unknown" daughter. C'mon now.
As far as Rove goes, anyone "in the know" knows he is a hard core conservative. Who do you think he is supporting, Obama?? That is like asking Keith Olberman why he is in the tank for Obama. The only difference between the two of them is that Rove makes occasional appearances on shows like Hannity and Colmes and Olberman preaches his gospel from his CNBC pulpit 5 nights a week. Just food for though.:D:D I will have to get you on the phone soon and shoot the crap.

Travis said...

I think the Sarah Palin personal life stuff should be put aside. The dems are making a mistake in my opinion there. They should instead be asking her about ISSUES, REAL ISSUES.

I don't care at all that her daughter is preggo. (Although imagine the attacks from Repubs would be any less if Obama had a daughter in the same situation?) AND, frankly, her daughter's boyfriends myspace page quotes had me laughing my ass off. He reminded me of us growing up in small town Wyoming.

I do care that Sarah Palin was either FOR or NOT opposed to Alaska seceding from the United States. What about troopergate? What about the lies about the "Bridge to Nowhere?" These are the questions I want asked.

Also, I am Christian, but I sure don't want Creationism taught to my kids in school. Church? Sure. But not school.

Travis said...

Ryan and Tim-

Why are you on the Palin boat? I really don't get it. Other than a brilliant strategic move, (b/c she's a woman), I really think she is a terrible choice.

Tim, you heard me say a long time ago before the primaries that McCain would be my choice out of the Republicans, (albeit before I knew about Ron Paul). I have always liked a lot of things about McCain. But Palin?

Anonymous said...

I think its a great idea to put up Sarah Palin's record against Obama's. To me there is no comparison, Obama has been on the state and national level stage longer than Palin has. Has authored legislation on both levels, taught at colleges, and ran a very successful campaign for president. A campaign in which he was asked many tough questions and has his record combed over extensively.

Click here for a comparison rundown from wikipedia pages.

I have nothing against Sarah P., but I'm really befuddled by both her choice as VP and how the McCain camp is handling her. She hasn't taken any open questions from reporters yet, her speeches mention how adamant she was about pork barrel spending, when her record shows almost the opposite (the 'bridge to nowhere' is going to come up again, mark my words.)

So far, she's been an actress, playing the part of VP. Her statements, speeches, quips about Obama all all written by someone else.

Anonymous said...

...and now with this 'lipstick on a pig' craziness. Oh brother.

I'm seriously beginning to doubt whether America, including the MSM, is mature enough anymore to select a president based on actual qualifications.

Anonymous said...

Chad and Travis we need to sit down at a table and talk about this. I really dont want to type all that I want to say. And Obama also has a speech writer. The thing is when he dosn't have a teleprompter you hear a lot of umms and umms. But at the RNC Sarah's teleprompter broke and you didnt hear all the umms. But iam not typing the rest just pulling my hair out.

Anonymous said...

Pulling your hair out? Ouch. One thing I've learned about politics is that rarely, if ever, does someone 'on the other side' agree with you. But, I still like to see what McCain supporters think.

I really do like McCain's stance on a lot of, free trade, even spending (to a certain extent). It wasn't like Obama blew him away on policy, more liked eeked him out. But that being said, as much as I like McCain, his campaign in the recent month has gone completely old-school. For a long time I thought Joe Lieberman was going to be his running mate, which in my mind was a great ticket. But instead of of going maverick he went base with Sarah P. and then starts all these BS storylines like lipstick on a pig that hold absolutely no water. And shouldn't even be discussed.

I know Obama has a speechwriter, but by all accounts he writes almost all his own speeches. Even so, he has been in many debates, talk shows, etc. where he's unscripted and must answer some tough questions, such as Rezko, Wright, Ayers, etc. Its dissapointing that Sarah P., only two months away from being a VP, has not.

Anonymous said...

Faith Kopeki and I were talking about the same issues the other day over tea and crumpets. It's crazy to think that such a monstrosity could cause such outrage among the youth of our nation. As Faith said it, "Who are we to judge those who run our lives?" Yeah, she said it. On that note, let it be known that it is not who we vote for, it is what we eat that make us the people we are...........

Anonymous said...

A decade ago I vowed to take every word Faith Kopeki uttered as gospel. She has never let me down.

Thanks CAB

Anonymous said...

Faith Kopeki speaks only words that are to be held at the highest level of importance. As a wise man once told me, if it's raining on your parade, you should have brought an umbrella.

Travis said...

"I'm seriously beginning to doubt whether America, including the MSM, is mature enough anymore to select a president based on actual qualifications."

I am completely with you on this statement.

Also, 409'er, you are wise. I agree we are what we eat. One of my eye cells used to be peanut butter.

Anonymous said...

You can put lipstick on a Dizzle but it's still a Dizzle.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but if you put earings on a Dizzle, is it still a Dizzle?

Anonymous said...


I also would vote for Jon and Bill.